
Artista: Visage
Titolo: Fade to grey
Album: Visage
Anno: 1980


(Devenir gris)

(Devenir gris)

One man on a lonely platform
One case sitting by his side
Two eyes staring cold and silent
Shows fear as he turns to hide

Aaah, we fade to grey (fade to grey)
Aaah, we fade to grey (fade to grey)

(Un homme dans une gare isolée
Une valise à ses côtés
Deux yeux fixes et froids
Montrent de la peur lorsqu’il
Se tourne pour se cacher)

Aaah, we fade to grey (fade to grey)
Aaah, we fade to grey (fade to grey)

(Sent la pluie comme un été anglais
Comme les notes d’une chanson lontaine
Sortant de derriere d’un poster
Esperant que la vie ne fut si longue)

Aaah, we fade to grey (fade to grey)
Aaah, we fade to grey (fade to grey)

Feel the rain like an English summer
Hear the notes from a distant song
Stepping out from a back shop poster
Wishing life wouldn’t be so long

(Devenir gris)

Aaah, we fade to grey (fade to grey)
Aaah, we fade to grey (fade to grey)
Aaah, we fade to grey (fade to grey)

(Devenir gris)

Aaah, we fade to grey (fade to grey)

(Devenir gris)

Aaah, we fade to grey (fade to grey)
Aaah, we fade to grey (fade to grey)

(Devenir gris)

Aaah, we fade to grey (fade to grey)
Aaah, we fade to grey (fade to grey)


Ascolta RTR 99 Canzoni e Parole fuori dal coro
– in FM: a Roma e provincia 99.0, a Latina e Pianura Pontina 94.0, a Rieti e provincia 98.5, a Fondi e Sperlonga 98.1;
– in DAB+ Digital Radio a Roma e provincia, in Toscana a Firenze Prato e Pistoia, in Lombardia a Brescia e Milano e provincia, in Liguria a Sanremo e Ventimiglia, in Costa Azzurra;
– in TV: a Roma e Provincia sul Digitale Terrestre Canale 87;
– in streaming audio e video su;
– sugli Smart-Speaker con gli assistenti vocali Alexa e Google;
– su Smartphone e Tablet con l’app “RTR99”;
– sulle Smart-TV Samsung e LG e su Amazon Fire, Android TV, Apple TV con l’app “RTR99”;
– sui principali aggregatori mondiali.


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