
Artista: U2
Titolo: New year’s day
Album: War
Anno: 1983

All is quiet on New Year’s Day
A world in white gets underway
I want to be with you
Be with you, night and day
Nothing changes on New Year’s Day

On New Year’s Day

I will be with you again
I will be with you again

Under a blood red sky
A crowd has gathered in black and white
Arms entwined, the chosen few
The newspapers says, says
Say it’s true, it’s true
And we can break through
Though torn in two
We can be one

I, I will begin again
I, I will begin again

Oh, oh

Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh

Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh

I will be with you again
I will be with you again

I will be with you again
I will be with you again

I will be with you again
I will be with you again


Ascolta RTR 99 Canzoni e Parole fuori dal coro
– in FM: a Roma e provincia 99.0, a Latina e Pianura Pontina 94.0, a Rieti e provincia 98.5, a Fondi e Sperlonga 98.1;
– in DAB+ Digital Radio a Roma e provincia, a Milano e provincia;
– in TV: a Roma e Provincia sul Digitale Terrestre Canale 87;
– in streaming audio e video su;
– sugli Smart-Speaker con gli assistenti vocali Alexa e Google;
– su Smartphone e Tablet con l’app “RTR99”;
– sulle Smart-TV Samsung e LG e su Amazon Fire, Android TV, Apple TV con l’app “RTR99”;
– sui principali aggregatori mondiali.


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