
Artista: Saxon
Titolo: The Pilgrimage
Album: Carpe diem
Anno: 2022

Shine the light, show the way
We are leaving, leaving today
To take the path already trodden
To try and find what we’re looking for

It will be hard, it will be long
We’ll never falter, we shall be strong
Our destination, that is our quest
We will not waiver, we will not rest

The journey has begun
We’re marching on and on
The pilgrimage
The pilgrimage

Through the ages the path was worn
To find redemption and be reborn
In modern times we seek our heroes
We look for comfort, we search for peace (search for peace)

A higher meaning, something spiritual
A music icon, religious miracle
We look for something to show the way
We’re all just pilgrims on life’s highway

To tread the pilgrim’s path
We won’t be the last
The pilgrimage
The pilgrimage

Some holy relic, a miracle cure
Some deed of courage, a site of war
It’s human nature to find a meaning
Of why we’re here, and endless dreaming

To set our sights on distant lands
We seek our way with open hands
It’s life’s big question, that’s what we seek
In times of trouble show no defeat

The journey has begun
We’re marching on and on
We search the pilgrim’s path
For icons of the past
The pilgrimage
The pilgrimage

The pilgrimage
The pilgrimage
The pilgrimage
The pilgrimage
The pilgrimage
The pilgrimage

Ascolta RTR 99 Canzoni e Parole fuori dal coro
– in FM: a Roma e provincia 99.0, a Latina e Pianura Pontina 94.0, a Rieti e provincia 98.5, a Fondi e Sperlonga 98.1;
– in DAB+ Digital Radio a Roma e provincia, a Milano e provincia, in tutta l’Umbria;
– in TV: a Roma e Provincia sul Digitale Terrestre Canale 87;
– in streaming audio e video su;
– sugli Smart-Speaker con gli assistenti vocali Alexa e Google;
– su Smartphone e Tablet con l’app “RTR99”;
– sulle Smart-TV Samsung e LG e su Amazon Fire, Android TV, Apple TV con l’app “RTR99”;
– sui principali aggregatori mondiali.

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