
Artista: Gary Barlow
Titolo: Forever love
Album: Open road
Anno: 1996


Love, it has so many beautiful faces
Sharing lives and sharing days
My love it had so many empty spaces
I’m sharing a memory now
I hope that’s how it stays

Now I’m deep inside love and still breathing
She is holding my heart in her hand
I’m the closest I’ve been to believing
This could be love forever

All throughout my life
The reasons I’ve demanded
But how can I reason
With the reason I’m a man

Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh yeah

In a minute I’m needing to hold her
In an hour I’m cold, cold as stone
When she leaves it gets harder and harder
To face life alone

Now my dreams are filled
With times when we’re together
Guess what I need from her
Is forever love

Ooh, Ooh, yeah
Oh, oh, oh, oh, mm-mm-mm
Oh, oh, yeah
Now I feel forever love
Ooh, ooh
Oh yeah
Well I feel…



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