
Artista: Baccara
Titolo: Yes Sir, I can boogie
Album: Baccara
Anno: 1977

Your eyes are full of hesitation,
Sure makes me wonder,
If you know what your looking for.

Uumm, Baby I wan’t to keep my reputation,
I’m a sensation,
You try me once you’ll beg for more.

Oooohh! Yes sir, I can boogie,
But I need a certain song,
I can boogie, boogie boogie all night long

Yes sir, I can boogie
If you stay, you can’t go wrong,
I can boogie, boogie boogie all night long…

No sir,
I don’t feel very much like talking,
No neither walking
You wanna know if I can dance,

Yes sir, already told you in the first verse and in the chorus,
But I will give you one more chance…

Ooohh! Yes sir, I can boogie,
But I need a certain song,
I can boogie, boogie boogie all night long.
Yes sir, I can boogie
If you stay, you can’t go wrong,
I can boogie, boogie boogie all night long…

Yes sir, I can boogie
If you stay, you can’t go wrong,
I can boogie, boogie boogie all night long…

Yes sir, I can boogie
If you stay you can’t go wrong,
I can boogie, boogie boogie all night long…

Yes sir, I can boogie
If you stay you can’t go wrong,
I can boogie, boogie boogie all night long…


Ascolta RTR 99 Canzoni e Parole fuori dal coro
– in FM: a Roma e provincia 99.0, a Latina e Pianura Pontina 94.0, a Rieti e provincia 98.5, a Fondi e Sperlonga 98.1;
– in DAB+ Digital Radio a Roma e provincia, Milano e provincia, in Liguria a Sanremo e Ventimiglia, in Costa Azzurra;
– in TV: in tutto il Lazio sul Digitale Terrestre Canale 680;
– in streaming audio e video su;
– sugli Smart-Speaker con gli assistenti vocali Alexa e Google;
– su Smartphone e Tablet con l’app “RTR99”;
– sulle Smart-TV Samsung e LG e su Amazon Fire, Android TV, Apple TV con l’app “RTR99”;
– sui principali aggregatori come RadioPlayer Italia e Tune-In.



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